Extras! Audio, Video and the “Printed” Word
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Book review by Seth Sandronsky of Embedded With Organized Labor: Journalistic Reflections on the Class War at Home by Steve Early
Monthly Review Press, (June 2009) 288 pages
US labor unions have been and remain in trouble. Hardly a day goes by without new evidence of this. Steve Early was a "participatory" scribe in unions over the past three decades. In "Embedded With Organized Labor:
Journalistic Reflections on the Class War at Home," he strives to help readers make sense of the roads (not) taken by American unions.
His book arrives at a fateful time for the nation's labor force. Workers in and out of unions are on their heels amid the most severe crisis of capitalism since the 1930's. Job losses and pay cuts rule the roost, a trend that began in the private sector. With the deepening recession and fiscal crises of the states and their local governments, wage cuts and layoffs are reaching the public sector. In such trying times for so many, what can a self-defined embedded labor journalist bring to the table? In brief, the answer is a historical context and a critical intellect. Early provides a readable mix of both in six sections, an introduction, epilogue and afterword.
Read the full article: http://www.truthout.org/060809T
Interview of John Bellamy Foster by Farooque Chowdhury for Bangla Monthly Review. September 17, 2009. "The Financial Crisis and Imperialism"
John Bellamy Foster spoke for the Marxist School on "Capitalism and Socialism" in March 2005. Foster is editor of Monthly Review, and professor of sociology at the University of Oregon, and author of The Great Financial Crisis: Causes and Consequences (with Fred Magdoff), Critique of Intelligent Design(with Brett Clark and Richard York), Naked Imperialism, Ecology Against Capitalism, Marx’s Ecology, The Vulnerable Planet, and The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism.
Kamran Nayeri "The Economic Boundaries of Health Policy: Factors Influencing 1993-1994 Reform Proposals."
Kamran Nayeri will speak for the Marxist School on October 15, 2009, on "The Political Economy of Health Care". This paper appeared in the International Journal of Health Services, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1996. Nayeri has been an active socialist since 1971 and has taught or conducted research at SUNY-HSCB, UC Berkeley (Survey Research Center), and UC Office of the President for the past 29 years. He holds a doctorate in economics from the New School for Social Research.
Kamran Nayeri "Economic Crisis and Access to Care: Cuba's Health Care System Since the Collapse of the Soviet Union."
This article from International Journal of Health Services, Volume 35, Number 4, Pages 797–816, 2005, explores the effects on access to health care in Cuba of the severe economic crisis that followed the collapse of the Soviet Union and the monetary and market reforms adopted to confront it.
Links to MP3 files
Michael Perelman, "The Roots of the Economic Crisis"
Michael Perelman, Professor of Economics, California State University, Chico, spoke for the Marxist School in Sept. 2000 on "The Information Age: New Technologies, Same Old Capitalism," in Sept. 2004 on "Fouling the Nest: How Right Wing Extremism Threatens American Prosperity" and on his book, Railroading Economics: The Creation of the Free Market Mythology in Oct. 2006. This recording is a talk Professor Perelman gave for the Peace & Freedom Party in San Francisco. Please feel free to check out other articles on Professor Perelman's blog .